Wednesday, June 30, 2021

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Grab your nuggets, I'm about to drop some bear shit on your CRO holdings. TL;DR - It don't add up, I smell bear shit I'm a gambler, some bio-tech firm in phase 3 trials for a Swiss Army dick transplant, sure, those blokes waiting for core samples on a big copper deposit, ok.

But this isn't that. CRO at. O WTF x Current liabilities are four times current assets x Nine staff and most affordable and cheapest binary options on their Team page x Been around in some form or another since and still hasn't rocketed x Twitter account is all about shareholders, not customers x Pivoted from Pool Management software with failed implementation at Clark Rubber into whatever they do now It just doesn't smell right.

Now you're about talk to me about free money with their cheap Options offer, announced in a timely way, get in quick Wednesday or you'll miss out. Ain't no such thing as free money with no downside, don't be retarded. I don't hold CRO. I do have bets on Z1P TNT OSL RKT:NYSE Flame suit on, burn away spastic believers and tell me about your true religion. Learned to let my winners run and BUD trade as example! Hey all. First of all, I just want to throw out a disclaimer that I am by no mean an experienced, professional trader.

In fact, I made my first option trade a little over a year ago and only started to take this seriously about 6 months ago. The single most haunting FOLO trade I was involved in was during the week that TSLA had its crazy melt up in February So the FOMO in me scrambled to login to Robinhood and scrolled through the option chain for a cheap weekly option.

The rest is pretty murky from memory but I remember within a matter of minutes, most affordable and cheapest binary options, the option value went up to. So I begrudgingly got ready for work that evening. That option contract in particular ended that Tuesday trading day at In hindsight, I could have just set a GTC sell price and be content with the profit I made or not.

Months later, once I started to take trading more seriously: I listened to podcasts, read all the market wizards books, read the story of Jesse Livermore, watched various trading YouTube channels and compiled all of that experience together to apply them to my trades.

I use this idea every day to help me structure most of my trades that I also track obsessively to help me make decisions that would optimize profit potential while limiting the risk of FOLO. I chose BUD because of these criterias and the strike price was about what it was trading at prior to COVID. Note: I was still learning and had not really learned to make trading decisions based on the Greeks. The trade was purely speculative along with the strike.

However, I did start to track certain data for every at the point the trade is made for future analysis. Early June most companies had major run ups and BUD was also one of the companies that benefited. However, I did not want to close out the trade and miss out on subsequent run-ups. I wanted to be in the entire trade the entire time without sacrificing too much profit gained.

This allowed me to stay in the trade and should BUD continue its run I would still have a maximum profit potential of remaining to collect. So, hopefully my experience helps those that are still learning to trade like I am, most affordable and cheapest binary options. Good luck, everyone. So there's been a bit of renewed attention around "fixing" Zane and the ways to go about that, and for the last while I've been thinking of the various fixes and the different routes Gearbox could go down, so I decided to put them all in one post.

The biggest issue I see right now is that Zane is far too dependent on kill skills. It's basically his only source of damage, and the narrowness of his skill trees and the damage they offer means that no matter how good his other class mods may be, it's basically impossible to beat Seein' Dead, since it puts every single damage skill he has in his trees on steroids.

You can't replicate the strength of his entire skill tree build on just a class mod without turning it into another - even more broken - band aid. The simplest route although far from the most thorough is only swapping Seein' Dead and Seein' Red with no other changes.

This doesn't totally fix Zane and most affordable and cheapest binary options still leaves him dependent on a form of band aid, however I think that the band aid being in his trees is significantly better than it being on a class mod, since at least then can be used with other class mods. It wouldn't fix the kill skill dependence, but it would mean that the kill skill dependence won't limit your gear choice as much. This is far from most affordable and cheapest binary options ideal solution, however I can understand if Gearbox is unwilling to do huge skill tree overhauls and this being the only change made.

It's far from perfect but it's the least intrusive fix. The most thorough and best option is a major most affordable and cheapest binary options of his skill trees. Diversify his damage by giving him different damage types spread throughout the trees. Splash in orange, most affordable and cheapest binary options. Crit and elemental in green. Make the latter half of the orange tree have a purpose beyond just buffing the clone and make the latter half of green tree worth putting points in.

These are pretty major changes but would be very effective, and would be a true fix rather than a cheap band aid. My main aim with these is to fix the buggy skills, buff the weaker skills and make Zane a bit of a better jack-of-all-trades character, which is why there's some skills most affordable and cheapest binary options of the other characters'.

so that it works better Buff the Binary System nova damage Make Almighty Ordnance be triggered more than once per AS, most affordable and cheapest binary options, maybe give it a 30 second cooldown?

Given how long Zane's action skills last it's a totally redundant most affordable and cheapest binary options since it would only be used once every five minutes, most affordable and cheapest binary options. Reduce Doppelbanger charge time Increase Futility Belt damage resistance - right now the conversion of elemental damage to kinetic can make incoming damage more harmful as it removes the damage penalties of non matched elements, i. e incoming fire damage would be converted to kinetic and would then be more effective against your shield than if it stayed as fire.

Buff the Best Served Cold nova damage Make all the green tree augments apply to the barrier when picked up, not only when it's on the floor.

Revert Trick of the Light to shock damage rather than cryo, the icon for it makes no sense as it is right now and it would diversify his damage. I really don't know what to do with Distributed Denialit's such a strange and glitchy skill.

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